openMSX SoftFabConcepts
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2024-05-19 01:39

To model your build and test execution process, SoftFab uses various abstractions such as the execution graph and resources.

Table of Contents

Execution Graph
The flow of information between build and test tasks is described in a dependency graph.
Framework and Task Definitions
The execution of a single task is configured using framework and task definitions.
Mid-level Data
All kind a metrics about a task execution can be gathered. Typically you are not interested in the top-level result (did the test succeed) or in the tiny details (which tests did exactly succeed) but you like an overview of meta data defined by you. SoftFab will store this data and offers you ways to view trends and to export this data.
Semi-automatic Testing
Ideally, all build and test tasks in your factory run fully automatic. However, there are situations in which it is too difficult or too costly to automate a certain task. In those situations, it is often still possible to automate most of the task, so you can save time compared to doing everything manually.